I found the following information somewhere on the web (that means it must be true!)
How to Clear your CFMX Server Cache -
The CFMX server reads ColdFusion files and recompiles this information to Java Class files. Sometimes, after making changes to the JAR files within the ColdFusion library (/lib), or your CFM scripts, you may need to perform the following steps to 'clear your cache' as we like to call it.
The folder that contains the Java *.class files is in the location shown below. Your path may vary depending on your installation location.
e.g. C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\WEB-INF\cfclasses
Make a backup of all the (*.class) files in a separate folder.
Stop the ColdFusion Application Server
Delete all (*.class) files in the "cfclasses" folder specified in above.
Start the ColdFusion Application Server
But really though, it works. I did it today when I installed that hotfix from my last post. You can trust me.... lol. Now you're never going to do it.
Anyways, from what I've read Coldfusion caches all your Coldfusion pages in this folder. If you make a lot of changes to your site, then you probably have a bunch of unused cache files. This can contribute to a slower site because the server has to search through those files whenever a page is accessed. One forum-fellow said he had 40,000 files in there, oh snap! I didn't have quite that many, but still, I'm glad I found out how to "clear my cache" (as they like to call it.)
resource from : http://cfruss.blogspot.com/search/label/coldfusion
Selamat Hari Raya Dari Kami Seisi Keluarga....
13 years ago